The Playful Adventure called DECA-DENCE, its Aliens and Buggers
Studio: NUT (heh) Aired: July 2020, 12 episodes Score: 8/10 Deca-Dence is a charming little anime series that is exactly what it's name suggests - 'decadence': a moral or cultural…
Studio: NUT (heh) Aired: July 2020, 12 episodes Score: 8/10 Deca-Dence is a charming little anime series that is exactly what it's name suggests - 'decadence': a moral or cultural…
Studio: Project No. 9 Aired: July 2020, 12 episodes (and 2 OVAs apparently) 3.5/10 All I wanted was anime Power Rangers. What I got was sexy anime power rangers…
Aired: April 2020 Studio: P.A. Works Episodes: 13 9 - Great! Thrilling historical racing comedy mashup that's a good time all-around! Appare-Ranman! Is a fun and exciting wild ride of…