Expertise, Opinions, and Harmless Clause

I admit I’m a pretty big fan of the subjects I discuss on this blog. I’d like to think I know a great deal about the subject matters. However, I am no expert. Nor am I a professional.  This site is for informative and entertainment purposes only

Any views or opinions I share within the site are strictly mine alone, and shall not be used as legitimate concrete advice. I strive for accuracy, however that doesn’t mean my content is in any way flawless. These views and opinions do not reflect those of companies or organizations I may be affiliated with, nor are they official statements.

The Use of Images

I do not claim to own any of the images on this site. Their use is for aesthetics alone and are subject to copyright. 

The Use of Language

While I may borrow quotes from outside sources, I strive to provide links and credit where it is due; I do claim to own any of the links provided. Information I provide on this site is for informative and entertainment purposes only.