And who are the contestants and what is their objective? Not people selected to participate in a death game. Definitely not mages who summoned heroes from history and legend to fight.
The author was probably like: what about… a bunch of batsh#t crazy (yandere) women who also happen to be spirits of Eastern myth and urban legend (yokai) who kill each other over the love and affection of some kid? What if the boy isn’t interested in any of them and instead is scared sh%tless and just wants to survive? Yes.
I’m a sucker for the absolute strange and absurd in fiction throughout the media. Don’t give me that boring everyday situational crap that can happen to anyone any-day. Give me some explosions and laser beams, aliens and cosmic wonders, wizards and dragons. Show me something that defies all the odds of expectation, and breaks the laws of our world we’ve come to know. I indulge in anime and manga, video games and movies, books and music to escape from reality….
Not that reality is all that bad. But face it, we all need a break sometimes, and many of the things we desire in our real life are unobtainable and unachievable. We have to find a balance in these things. Hachigatsu Kokonoka is a hidden gem I think some (definitely not all) otaku should check out.
Perhaps I’ll make another post about the strange and unusual characters that make up Hachigatsu Kokonoka. Until then, thanks for reading!